Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Concert Band Trip

It was the earliest of my travels - back in college when I was 20 years old, my college concert band did a band trip from Michigan to New York city, with stops along the way. We stayed with families from town to town until we got to NYC, where we stayed in a hotel and played our final concert in Town Hall.

This was the first time I had ever been in Pennsylvania and heard Pennsylvania Dutch accents. It was the first time I had seen an urban, mostly black high school (in New Jersey). And of course it was the first time I had been in New York, seen a porn movie house, or dealt with panhandlers on the street as I and another 20 year old wandered around Times Square.

This was probably my first taste of travel, and even though the majority of it was hard work (rehearsing and performing, sitting on a bus for hours every day), it was enlightening. I wish I remembered more about the trip, but it was quite a while ago.

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